Published on July 26, 2007 By Zydor In Misc
Is there any Institution or Appointed Official left that we can trust ?

Its 1:50 am local time, and I was idly browsing aimlessly as I had my usual good night drink before hitting the sack. My mind wondered around even more aimlessly than usual reading all the doom and gloom and sky is falling headlines by the world’s alleged News organisations, and the increasing number of similar posts and blogs by the usual copious attention seekers.

Ban “Tour De Farce” cry’s the world as the premier cycling event dissolves into a farcical parody of drugs that would almost be classed as worthy of an Oscar nomination. The US currently battles with similar issues in Basketball, athletics in most Countries is always good for a quick spin round the aisles of buy one get one free drug cocktails. Boxing has long been known not as a Sport of Champions that it once was, but as a struggle to get the least qualified opponent commensurate with the level of farce the Media covering the event are prepared to put up with. So on and so on through the ranks of virtually every type of so called Sport you can think of. For sure, these idiots are the minority, the vast majority of sportspeople just love it for what it is – but they are not trumpeted as the Champions of what is now arguably a universally discredited system of reverence to flawed heroes and heroines whose only thought is to screw the sponsors at a faster rate than their Manager.

So we move on to Politicians. Well I guess that’s easy, burn em all at the Stake and start again. Problem is we are such a greedy power hungry bunch these days, they will just be replaced by a new bunch of morons professing undying love for our Democratic rights – providing the lecture tours are secured, and the Votes for the next pension enhancing events (commonly known as Elections) have been bought - or at least conned out of a still docile and unbelievably trusting Public.

Banks – oh boy don’t ya just love em? So keen they are to enhance our Customer Experience and provide “world class”levels of product and cheap accounts. All amply demonstrated by Call Centers at least 5000 miles away from the nearest National Border, manned by people who might have read up which part of the Globe we come from, but not much else, advising us what to do with our hard earned cash, and retirement savings. That is provided it meets their aspirations for the latest Bank Bonus structure, which itself is driven by the need to fleece every last cent, penny, paeso, drachma, ruble (insert to suit) they can.

Manufacturing – surely we are safe there? After all they produce defined physical products, hard to duck our wrath? Noooo. We are probably going through the worst era in mankind’s history for the Production of utter rubbish at the cheapest possible price, whilst maintaining that our drug ridden hero’s and heroine’s use it daily out of choice, not due to the lucrative Sponsorship contract fueling the Banks cash flow. The latter is a coincidence of course, they been using the product for years “Honest”.

Religion – no, better not go there, or I will end up causing a world shortage of wooden dolls and steel pins.

A few randomly chosen nuggets, that come to mind as my goodnight drink falls to terminal levels.- many more gems out there of course – all professing to be looking after our best interests, and enhance our probability of living a long and happy life without the slightest chance of wrinkles. Providing we note the “words from our sponsors” of course.….. no doubt dear reader you could add more.


It’s a funny ol world.

Its now 2.40 am, time to hit the pit in my dream bed that’s guaranteed to provide the ultimate ……

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