A Free Press could destroy itself, and us, along with it
Published on August 8, 2007 By Zydor In The Media
Probably, but note the element of doubt. I use the term "Press" or "Free Press" to encompass all forms of media and information services now present in the modern age - not just the classic newspaper. The Press came from a Noble background of high principle and fighting good causes, every Democratic Country has its stories of journalistic daring do fighting evil and corruption, even to the extent that it can be fairly argued that Democracy as we know it would not exist without a Free Press, let alone continue to exist. The other side of the argument in this undeniably almost saintly outcome, is increasing distortion of the "Story". The latter is motivated by many things, to suit the supported Political Agenda, to satisfy the voracious needs of owners and shareholders be they for personal reputation and power or circulation figures, to satisfy advertising and revenue needs; to name but a few.

The clash of Principles and Practice within the Press is of course not a new one, but it has increasingly come to notice as modern communications media are developed and deployed in a way never dreamed of in the 19th Century. Even after World War Two, the Press had not changed a lot; for sure Radio had taken hold, Cinema newsreels were the norm, and TV was in its infancy. The iconic image of the knurled streetwise reporter, with one inch wide trouser braces over a sweaty shirt, pencil over his right ear still prevailed even then. "Hold the front page" they yelled, amidst overflowing ashtrays in smoke filled newsrooms, with opened half bottle's of early morning Jack Daniels, and peanut butter layered hamburgers on early morning desks (enough to send today’s cosseted health extremists into an eye popping, heart dissolving, sinew snapping siezesure).

The Press had always been used and manipulated where possible by an increasing number of Politicians, vested interests, power seekers and intellectuals during the 18th and 19th Centuries (no doubt there is some hieroglyphic on some dusty Egyptian tomb or pre-historic cave showing earlier Press activities, but lets keep it in the bounds of modern reality). The general Public however were, as a generalisation, not really aware of the depth and nature of such pressures on "The Free Press", a few stories of reporter daring do were enough to satisfy most needs of the Public regarding Free Press reputation and integrity, as it confirmed what the Public wanted to hear; in fairness of course most of the Press at that time did indeed tend to try to follow the intellectual ideals of a Free Press.

The classic Industrial Age arguably ended post WW2, and the Age of Technology became the commercial driving force, it also provided an increasing direct access by the Public to its own means of communication and media that essentially by passed the traditional Press - now the Press had a real fight on its hands - "their Truth" could be challenged. So we shoot forward to today with instant live TV, World Wide Web and the traditional newspapers galloping towards electronic presentation and distribution as fast as their sponsors will allow - whoever can think up an activity for the millions of shortly to be redundent newspaper round boys & girls delivering the daily paper will make a fortune. Politicians and Intellectuals (rarely the same genre) increasingly sport their latest sunglass inducing dental job on TV attempting to persuade us that black is in fact white, green is not just a colour, and the latest version of integrity is not just something cooked up by the sponsors spin doctor. Let alone the simple minded bigots and morons that have arguably infested some Web outlets.

"Dog Savages Resident - Fight for Life" screams headline and halo inducing, circulation boosting story amidst population struggling with rabies outbreaks. The inconvenient fact that the perfectly healthy pet from next door had just had the bejesus pounded out of it by a baseball bat wielded by a moronic neighbour is not reported, therefore the story is "true", and the Press is not telling lies - the modern principle "don’t let facts get in the way of a good story". An exaggerated example, of course, to illustrate.

So where do we go from here? I think its a given that a Free Press is needed, Democracy, Law, Commerce and Religious Faiths as we know them would not exist without it. Yet to regulate the obvious manipulations is increasingly hard. In an increasingly rare Press apology, the fact that the dog had been previously pummeled by a baseball bat wielded by an ignorant moron (whose vote is always up for grabs) might if your lucky get reported in a half inch apology column buried on page 67 along with the infamous dating ads "Sexy Sally seeking hunky Dan" - and of course ( to placate PC lovers ) "Hunky Dan seeking sexy Sally".

I would suggest we are in danger of imploding unless this is tackled. The Press is the Oxygen of Politicians and Influential people, let alone Intellectuals, Academics, Religious Institutions and Joe Soap. Too often in the modern age people caught up in their busy lives still automatically believe the Press, dont have the time or courage to dig further for inconvenient and unpalatable truths, and are manipulated (or "informed and advised" as marketing spin doctors, circulation and viewing figure managers would have us believe) by the Dramatic story, or the stories they want to hear. As a generalisation Vision and Integrity has arguably been lost. Even the classic corruption (etc) stories are evaluated at editorial conferences purely on the basis of circulation and impact, not preservation of truth and honesty - despite the format, circumstances and grand words of the final version offered to a gullible public.

It is arguable that Society itself is now becoming corrupted by a "Free Press", the very Institution that created Society as we know it. But if we don’t have a genuinely Free Press we will, arguably, implode. Regulation is not working as its increasingly a problem with the merging of the 'paper press' and 'electronic press' mediums, manipulation of facts for a good story continues. I hate leaving open questions, but on this one, I just don’t know a practical solution. Intellectual Theory on this can only go so far, we also have to cope with a basic human emotion - Greed. The latter is an irritating itch for an Intellectual to deal with in these kinds of issues, and whilst the grand theory is otherwise excellent, somehow we have to make that Intellectual Theory practical in a real world.

The Press needs to adopt an iconic Vision suitable for the modern age and preservation of Integrity, but what is that Vision and How?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 08, 2007
All the modern day press needs to do to reform itself is to hold itself to the same standard it insists bloggers should be held to. ;~D
on Aug 08, 2007
Free Bloggers of the World unite - death to Fleet Street rofl   

There is a lot of truth in what you said .....
on Aug 08, 2007

You present an interesting dilemna, that I do not have a ready made answer to.  I still see a need for it, even in the agenda driven body it has become.  But how to make it perform as originally envisioned is the problem.  It is not like we can regulate it (as you state) for that would kill it.

Perhaps instead of supplanting it, the Internet is forcing it to come to the realization that they will be called to accountability.  Not by some government agency, but by a more informed readership.  Blogs cannot replace it, but they have been hown to keep it honest on occassion.

on Aug 08, 2007
The people of America are the ones that are now holding the "free press" to a higher standard, they are doing do with their wallets, not patronizing stations that have to much of a slant in one direction, not buying newspapers with an obvious agenda. While the left decries Fox news it continues to bloom and prosper and CNN and MSNBC numbers continue to tank, Same with ABC, CBS, and NBC all there numbers are way down from their heyday. The major news papers are down in circulation, way down, because finally the "PEOPLE' have had enough of propaganda disguised as news.
on Aug 08, 2007
It's not working though. Blogging doesn't keep the media honest, it just points out the obvious biases.
on Aug 08, 2007

Blogging doesn't keep the media honest, it just points out the obvious biases.

In some cases it is.  Lest we forget Rathergate.

on Aug 08, 2007
Already forgotten!
I suppose it's keeping them from outright lying to us.
on Aug 08, 2007
"because finally the "PEOPLE' have had enough of propaganda disguised as news"

That I believe is the turning point, and I fully agree, it is happening more and more. I guess future hope rests on the fact that People will have realised that manipulation was endemic, and prompt the Press to move towards integrity once more if they want to keep their livelyhood. Politicians will not do it, too much vested interests, so they will have to join the "do as your told or no livelyhood" category.

Going to be fun to find out if we have the nerve as a Public to do that to two of the main pillars of a modern state ....... and whether or not they will let us
on Aug 08, 2007
They're not two of the main pillars of a modern state anymore. What they started out as were two of the main pillars of a modern state. Now they're just a couple of rotted out old pieces of wood.
on Aug 08, 2007

Reformed? Yes

There should be changes made as to how the sensationalize the news, make too much of celebrities and be more responsible in what they report!
on Aug 08, 2007
I agree but how would you achieve that ?
on Aug 08, 2007
Now they're just a couple of rotted out old pieces of wood.

So True   

But we need a way of underpinning the foundations, because we need those pillars, ignore it and the pillars fall over taking the house with it
on Aug 08, 2007
We need new pillars. Reforming the media will allow us to replace the politicians. If you have a media that reports what's going on, regardless of what the politicians tell them to report, you will be able to tell which politicians really need to go. Also, they won't be able to hide it when they give the payoff to those that backed them. Also, a non-affiliated media will be able to report on third parties as well as the two major parties. So we could have better information on candidates who are less likely to be bought out by major corporations. And if we have candidates who aren't bought out by major corporations, what else will they have to do in office than to serve the public that elected them?
on Apr 15, 2008
Lest we forget Rathergate.

Or the "fair and balanced" Faux Noise network.

on Apr 15, 2008

Seeing as one of the two things I'm looking into getting my Bachelor's or Masters in is Journalsim, I figured I would respond.

The way I see it, journalism has become just another commercial deal. Long gone are the days of honest, credible, and thorough journalism. Long gone are the journalist who reports objectively, effectively, and gets the whole story. I remember reading something once, that mentioned that modern reporting (they theorized) began around the time of Hearst, about the time when politics and journalism started to go hand in hand.

These days, it isn't the true journalists that run the things, it's the corporate suits. If they (the suits) can get more advertising, revenue, higher numbers, etc...then they'll do it. Long gone are the better days of news/journalism unfortunately.


All the modern day press needs to do to reform itself is to hold itself to the same standard it insists bloggers should be held to. ;~D

For the first time ever, I beleive, I agree with you Ted. Wow, mark this day on the calendar.


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