Published on August 21, 2007 By Zydor In Politics
I put this in the Politics section, as in a way its a story of what happens when domestic politics, grandstanding, bigotry, grace & favour etc, get out of control and we loose sight of reality in the race to become "Mr Big".

A couple of hours ago I finished watching a DVD called “Murder in the First”, first released to cinemas in 1994. Its an adaptation of a true story set in Alcatraz of Henri Young, a 1930’s convict. Henri is (in the film) someone who was convicted of stealing $5, attempts to escape (it was the fourth of 14 known escape attempts from Alcatraz in its time in operation), is caught and spends 3 years in solitary confinement for the escape attempt (in fact in real life he was a convicted Bank Robber & Murderer – hence being sent to Alcatraz in the first place). However apart from the Hollywood embellishment of the original offence, and the real life defense being done by two lawyers – not one as in the film – it’s a true depiction of events. Its a remarkable and disturbing story.

Henri spent three years inside solitary in a totally enclosed cell as punishment for the escape attempt. No light, bug & rat infested, with water constantly running down the walls. He was regularly beaten and brutalised by the Assistant Warden at the time, by hanging him from the ceiling and beating him with blackjacks, sticks etc. Worse incidents occurred, the beatings were just the tip of the iceberg. This was allegedly “rehabilitating” him. He saw daylight for 30 mins in those three years. On return to the normal cells he was technically insane, a gibbering wreck, and within hours murdered an inmate who had informed the authorities of the original escape attempt.

The film spends most of its time on the trial for the inmate’s murder. It’s a depressing and huge indictment of what can happen when Institutions are not properly controlled, and lack the needed Oversight mechanisms. A convicted murderer he may have been in real life, but that does not excuse the brutal sadistic treatment at the hands of the Penal system. It goes far beyond “punishment” or “retribution”. I am no bleeding heart Liberal or softie Socialist, far far from it I assure you – but no man deserves what happened to him, whatever they have done. This was 160 years after the principles of “Truth, Liberty and Justice” had rightly been fought for, but society sure as hell didn’t deliver that on this occasion.

There are “worse” events in history of course, and in many Countries (this is not an attack on the US), an infamous case being that of Dreyfus in France. The Henri Young case ripped apart the Penal system, and had shock waves reaching to the very top of it, even Hoover had to do some body swerving. We all hope that with lessons learnt, it will not happen again, but who knows …. One thing is for sure, anyone who believes all is rosey out there with a model perfect system because that’s what they read, would do well to watch this remarkable film as a warning of what can happen when we get lazy and complacent with the Freedoms others gave us through their suffering.

Kevin Bacon played the part of Henri, a superb performance. Well worth hunting down a copy, most DVD rental agencies have it. A Remarkable film of a despicable episode in the Penal systems history.

on Aug 21, 2007
And it is one reason that Alcatraz is closed.  As bad as it was depicted, there are documented cases that are worse.  And as sad as it is, the simple facts is that as long as there are prisons, there will be abuses,.  The merit of the society is not in what has happened, but what was done when the facts were found out.  It was not a condoned event.  But it probably was ineveitable.
on Aug 21, 2007
The checks and balances in the system worked (in the end) for this one thats for sure, but it took almost the last safety fence to catch it, which is a bit sad. Regretably I agree, there will always be cases, unfortunately.

I sometimes wonder if the lesson is taken aboard by those who rush to positions of "power" without really understanding what Responsibility is, and the fact that they actually have to do something when they get there, not just work for re-election - a bit extreme I guess, but not far off in some cases.
on Aug 21, 2007

sometimes wonder if the lesson is taken aboard by those who rush to positions of "power" without really understanding what Responsibility is, and the fact that they actually have to do something when they get there, not just work for re-election - a bit extreme I guess, but not far off in some cases.

From what I have read of you, I assume we are of the same age, or thereabouts.  I see the same thing.  A rush to power, and no responsibility.  And I dont expect it to change.

Power is a narcotic that has no antidote. Responsibility is the price that few pay.

on Aug 21, 2007
56 - the wife's already got the Rose Garden picked out for the ashes
on Aug 21, 2007

56 - the wife's already got the Rose Garden picked out for the ashes

Born then, so only 51 age wise.  close enough for cynicism.

on Aug 21, 2007
I've seen the film and found it to be mostly a Hollywood hack job. They exaggerated a great deal and tried to make the guy out as some poor, misunderstood soul. The guy was a scum bag.

Yes, they did seriously abuse prisoners there, and it's a terrible thing that shouldn't happen in our society, but I think a more truthful and realistic account would have served just as well, especially considering the fact that this prison has been closed down for a long time.
on Aug 21, 2007
I've seen the film and found it to be mostly a Hollywood hack job

Thats for sure, and a scumbag he most certainly was.

At least poor old Dreyfus really did do nothing wrong, I could think of better ways of topping up the tan on a sun bleached island - and imagine the compensation he and the ambulance chasers would have got these days ......