A strange energy source has swept the Galaxy, causing an unusual outbreak of original thought, common sense and honesty  ...  our scientists will keep an eye on the effects of this ........

-  XYZ News recently renamed itself Advert Income Corp.
-  At the ongoing Presidential Campaign, candidates announced that popular Issues and concerns were not the central plank of their campaigns, having great dental jobs and baby kissing techniques was.
-  Toothpaste manufacturers cancelled all their campaigns estolling the new enhanced features in the pipeline, announcing the need to "just use the damn stuff if you want clean teeth"
-  Internet boards have gone strangely quiet as a wave of "anti ego drivel" swept through board members
-  Industrial Gases companies supplying various gases for areas such as Bars and Hospitals renamed themselves as XXX Cylindar Rental Corp
-  On the secretive closed Planet of Toria, its Global news revealed they were in fact a Race of rampent "friendly" rabbits
-  The bottom dropped out of the Fashion Industry and leading figures and models declared "who the hell cares?"

Any other reports of this strange phenomina posted here will aid our scientists in their efforts to return to our usual dream world like position


Comments (Page 3)
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on Jun 03, 2008
Al Gore realizes that he is made of Carbon and decides to cut off his own foot to reduce his carbon footprint.
on Jun 04, 2008
Bush finally sees the sense in Gore's proposals and goes about cutting off the feet of every human and animal in an attempt to reduce the footprint
on Jun 05, 2008
This just in!! The carbon dioxide released by all of the billions of decaying feet destroy boils the oceans and renders Earth uninhabitable.

What ever happend to the ozone hole, anyway...
on Jun 06, 2008
It's still there, but the growth has been curtailed for the most part. The odd thing is, the ozone layer is pretty much self-regenerating. The same UV radiation that it stops also generates more ozone - pretty convenient, right? As soon as we stopped dumping quite so much CFCs, the process basically stopped. What we have now is the hole caused by our much-reduced polution output and built up left-overs from previous decades.

This just in: Americans finally stop bitching about gas prices and adjust to something the rest of the world has dealt with for decades.
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