Zydor's Articles In Misc
August 12, 2007 by Zydor
It had all been met by chuckles over breakfast back in that Sunday Morning in August of 2007 when Mr Claramunt of Galactic Suite announced the start of a $6Bn project to place in orbit a new Hotel, for which guests would pay a mere $4m for each stay of a few days. "I'm hopeful that the impact of seeing the earth from a distance will stimulate the guests urge to value and protect our planet" he had announced at the launch. Great Man, Great Man I thought, Visionary, the icon of vacume environ...
July 26, 2007 by Zydor
Is there any Institution or Appointed Official left that we can trust ? Its 1:50 am local time, and I was idly browsing aimlessly as I had my usual good night drink before hitting the sack. My mind wondered around even more aimlessly than usual reading all the doom and gloom and sky is falling headlines by the world’s alleged News organisations, and the increasing number of similar posts and blogs by the usual copious attention seekers. Ban “Tour De Farce” cry’s the world as the premie...